
Special Order Items Alert! JDM CAR PARTS

Special Order Items Alert!

    Dear Customers,    As of today, Special Order items are being expanded to 3 to 8 weeks for delivery. This will be the new delivery schedule until further notice.  Any Special Orders, prior to this notice, are currently in transit and will be delivered as schedule.    Thank you and stay safe out there. Shipping Department 

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Shipping Service Disruptions JDM CAR PARTS

Shipping Service Disruptions

  Dear Customers,  One of our main and trusted shipping service providers is the United States Postal Service. We are glad that they are still able to provide service during the pandemic. But even they are limited to their service. Here we have posted links for domestic and international shipping areas that may face shipping disruptions. Please check the listings for any shipping limitations before placing an order. Thank you for your time. Stay safe out there.  Shipping Department    US Postal Service US Domestic   US Postal Sevice Shipping Overseas    

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Please expect some delay for special order items from Japan

We have some delay for special order items from Japan due to world crisis. Please understand and we will keep you updated for any delays.

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Shipping department will be closed for annual inventory from 6/21-6/30

Our shipping department will be closed from June 21st to June 30th for annual inventory. Our regular shipping will resume on Monday, July 1th, 2019. All orders received after 12 pm Pacific Standard Time on Friday 6/21 will be shipped after July 1th, 2019. Our online store will remain open. Orders will be shipped in the order we received them. We apologize for the inconvenience.  

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