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Before you consider returning an item and getting a refund, please contact us before returning your item. You need to email us at first so our staff can assist you. We will not consider any refunds if you fail to contact us.
You may return most new and/or unopened items within 14 days of delivery for a refund. We will also pay the return shipping label if the return is a result of our error. return policy is simple. We accept all returns that meet the following conditions:
* Pictures of the wrong item and original packaging - Please send us the images of the part that was shipped to you as well as the original packaging.
* 14-day return period - Your returned item needs to be shipped (postmarked) to within 14 days of the date it was delivered to you (as shown on delivery company's tracking system).
* Original packaging in good condition - To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received - no signs of wear, scratches, blemishes, tears, dents, markings, or usage and in the original packaging.
* Unused condition - is not responsible for installation errors or damage due to improper installation or abuse. Parts damaged due to improper installation or abuse, are not returnable, and we are not responsible for any labor expenses, towing, rental car, or other expenses caused by the use of wrong or defective parts during installation.
* No modifications made to the product - Any modifications made outside of the item's intended purpose will immediately void our return policy and will make you ineligible for any returns or refunds. No exceptions.
If your return is the result of our error, will refund you the return shipping label. Please send the item back to us in the original package. As soon as we receive the item back, we'll ship you the correct part. Since a fraud has become such a widespread phenomenon, we can not ship the correct part until we get the original item first. We apologize and ask for your understanding. offer items shipped free to you, but in case there's a return, you will be responsible for the cost of shipping the item back to us. If a full refund is requested, we will promptly refund the purchase price, excluding the original shipping and any applicable credit card fees. There are no refunds on items damaged in shipping. You must file a claim with the carrier. We cannot guarantee that we will receive your returned item - you are responsible for the item until it reaches us. When shipping a return, consider tracking and insuring your package. Please allow 1-2 weeks for returns to be processed.
All return NOS items are subject to at least a 25% restocking fee.
For all NOS parts, we are NOT liable for any superseded version, production date specific, or material the manufacture used. You are responsible for the judgement, or contact us for any specific question prior to purchase.
All Electrical parts/components-sales are Final / No Return / No Exception.
All Special order parts are No refund / No Cancellation / No Exception
All items marked: Sale is final / No return / No exchange / No Refund / No exception: are absolutely No Return / No Refund.
In case of world crisis, natural disaster, war, or pandemic, we may have significant delay on our shipment. We will not allow cancellation or refund if the problems are due to delay from those reasons.