As of 10/01/2021, USPS has announced that all Priority Mail Intl orders will be on hold. We will hold all currently active orders outbound to New Zealand and any future orders due to New Zealand extending their lockdown due to the rising Delta variant cases. For New Zealand customers, we understand the frustration that you are experiencing and we will do our best to assist you all. 

We hope that the lockdown in New Zealand will end sooner but as of this moment,  no future orders via Priority Mail Intl can be placed. For other countries, we will keep updating our blog posts as frequently as possible. 

We will continue processing international orders for New Zealand via EMS but please be advised that there is a possibility that your order might be returned back to us or get stuck at customs. We hope that EMS orders will continue to ship to New Zealand during these tough times.

We apologize for the inconvenience that it has caused for all currently active and future orders. 

-Shipping Dept.